Saturday 22 October 2011

The Perfect Wow Rogue Combat Guide

Rogues are among the one of the most played class in World of Warcraft, and also for very good reasons. They are generally one of the speediest progressing classes in World of Warcraft who is capable to ambush ones own adversaries by using stealth and also deliver significant degree damages within quick intervals of time.

However, there is a downside to the Rogue class as well-liked as they may be, and that's that Rogues is only able to really perform one role what sort of confines your overall gameplay. After all, Rogues has low hit point and can solely wear Cloth and Leather armors this means they can not be tanks, and so they do not have healing skills this means they are unable to be healers as well. So as the result Rogues are only good for dealing damages for raids and dungeons, unless you count Rogue evasion tanking but that only happens on rare occasions and only if the Rogue is very well geared.

This means that for somebody who would quickly become bored of playing only one role then Rogue is probably not the correct class to suit your needs. But alternatively, if you don't mind the limitation of playing style that then the Rogue has a lot to offer you and is also extreme fun for Player vs player and also PvE.

Nonetheless, what I'm going to cover with this WoW Rogue guide is the combat system for Rogue since it is quite unique and might be difficult for first time Rogue players in addition to it being crucial for end game PvP and raiding.

Information On Rogue Combat System

Rogues in World of warcraft possess a fairly exclusive and somewhat innovative combat system that is different from the rest of the classes aside from the Feral Druid in Cat form. Rogues uses energies and not mana, they have opening moves, finish moves, and most significant of them all will be the unique combo point system.

An excellent Rogue should know appropriate energy management given that if you don’t have energy you can’t employ any of your skills. Energies do replenish even during battles however with no more than 100 energies, one should learn to invest them effectively, or you will have a tremendous fall in your DPS.

Secondly all Rogues should learn make use of their finishing moves effectively as well, since there are many different finishing moves to select from, and often only one or 2 could possibly be carried out during typical mob grinding. Here is how it works; all finishing moves calls for a minimum of 1 combo point to be executed, however the more combo point that was used to perform the finisher the more robust the finisher gets.

Now, in order for the Rogue to gain combo points on his present target, the Rogue must make use of his specially abilities that requires energies. And every successful attack adds a combo point to your current target until a maximum of 5 combo point is reached. Once the combo point is used by one of the finish moves, you can start to re-max 5 combo points again with your special attacks.

Now, ultimately all of Rogue’s combat system is dependant on appropriate energy management, and a proper advanced level Rogue should not be out of energy for more than 4 seconds at a time. So if you would like to learn more about Rogue then check out my other WoW guide.

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